Tip of the day Valentine’s Day Tip There have been years where we have been well prepared for this big day and there are some years where we absolutely forget what date it even is let alone remembering Valentines Day…. Continue Reading →
Tip of the day Skin Tip- #27 During the winters, we get so caught up with trying to keep ourselves warm that we forget about our feet hidden beneath those thick socks. As harsh as the winter is to our… Continue Reading →
Tip of the day Beauty Tip- #22 With eyebrow idols like Cara Delevingne out there it gets quite tough for us girls to get our eyebrows on fleek. With the different eyebrow trends out there such as feather eyebrows, wavy… Continue Reading →
Tip of the day Beauty Tip- #19 Mumbai civilians are known for living a fast and strenuous lifestyle but adhering to such a lifestyle only makes you tired and mentally exhausted thus resulting in dull and bad skin. In conversation… Continue Reading →
Tip Of the Day Beauty Tip- #6 Living in Mumbai, the one season that we really don’t look forward to is the monsoons. Yes, the rain is fun and the smell of wet mud lifts our spirits but the hassle… Continue Reading →
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